Friday, February 6, 2009

Update on the family

Dear Prayer Warriors,

Our family is in a very difficult time right now. In addition to the already stated, the situation with my brother (Kecia's uncle) is only getting worse. He has acute pancreatitis. We now understand that if he does not quit drinking alcohol completely he will die. Based on the severity of his symptoms we are led to believe that it would be sometime in the near future. He has lost so much weight, can not eat or drink anything with out throwing up, is often delirious and in a lot of pain. He checked himself out of the critical care unit yesterday morning against medical advice and was back in the hospital last night. Due to the poisons in his body he is often in an altered mental state and making irrational decisions. He lives with my sister and Kecia so all of this is directly affecting both of them. Kecia does not need this kind of stress but it seems unavoidable. Right now he is playing a cat and mouse game with the hospital to stabilize his condition, then out to drink himself into a state of drunkeness that will dull his pain...then back to the hospital and so on. It's difficult to even know how to pray for him. We would love see him make a complete rededication of his life to the Lord and in doing so completely stop drinking. We desperately want him to recover but there is no way that can happen unless he is totally committed to the recovery process. He has tried in the past, but he wants it to be easy and when it's not, he just quits trying. We don't want him to suffer, and Kecia worries that he will collapse someone and die alone and frightened. This is a HUGE burden on her heart. I don't even know what to ask you to pray for other than that God's hand be on our family during this difficult time.

I am reminded of the passage Joshua 1:9 "Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified;do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

Thank you for your prayers,
Jennifer and family

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