Saturday, May 14, 2011

kecia gets bad news

Kecia had her routine scans done and was given some very sobering news. 33% of her heart is no longer functioning. Her cardiologist actually said "it appears that 33% of your heart is dead". This is obviously very serious and her doctor wants to start her on some heart medicine that can possibly rejuvinate the heart if it is not actually "dead" and is just dying. To increase the chances that it will be a successful attemp, her doctor wants to stop all chemo for one month and allow the heart meds their full impact. Kecia feels sure it is the chemo, Avastin, that is responsible for this rapid decline in her heart function because she has been on the Herceptin for her entire 3 year battle and all heart scans up until now have shown her heart at full function. She would like to stop the Avastin and continue the Herceptin, but her doctor is strongly advising against it. This is scarey for Kecia because she knows that even a short time off her chemo usually means that cancer spreads to a new place in her body. She is having to choose to stop chemo to strengthen her heart, but risk new cancer growth, or continue some chemo at the risk of a heart attack. She has been told the issue is so serious that she needs to drastically limit her intake of water (and all fluids, I think) because it can pool around her heart and cause pericardial effusion. (sack around the heart fills with fluid and "smothers" it) She is inclined to trust her doctor on this one and will probably stop her chemo for the month as he is suggesting, but this means she will be going in to find out how much damage has been done right after her birthday (june 7th). While it might be silly to some people, this time of year is always a nervous time for Kecia since it was the week after her birthday, 3 years ago that she was given this horrible diagnosis. She is really struggling with fear vs faith and could use all the prayer you can offer. Jeanie is also in a very difficult place. Both are trying to be so strong for the other, but inside they are frightened and confused and need God's hand on them during this unthinkably difficult time. Please pray for them.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

prayer needed

My last update was a very happy one, telling everyone that Kecia had been told to "ring the remission bell" at her treatment center. To all of us, that sounded like wonderful news, but what Kecia realized just a few days later, is that it meant very little for her in the way of "quality of life". Most people who are told they are in remission get to stop treatment, grow their hair back, feel better and begin living again. For Kecia, however, this is not the case. Very little changed for her. She is so thankful that the cancer is not growing right now and feels blessed to be out of that part of her diagnosis, but she is still taking a full load of chemo, feels sick everyday, rarely leaves the house, and has what most would call a rather poor quality of life. She is told by her doctors that to stop or even measure down the chemo would mean it would instantly grow back. Each time it begins again it is harder to get rid of. So she feels like this is it. If there is no cure any time soon she is destined to feel like this and live like this for a very long time. Some days, she is very strong and believes God has helped her to overcome so many odds. She believes He has a purpose for her life. But on many days, she says she thinks she might just want to quit all treatment and go "home" to heaven to be with her Nanny so all this misery can just stop. She is in need of our prayers! In addition to that, Kecia is asking prayer for her mom. Jeanie has spiraled downward in depression over this past year. She has suffered several severe panic attacks and it is affecting her ability to even function in her normal life. She rarely leaves the house for fear of having a panic attack which is keeping her away from church and her support group. I have no doubt this is satan attacking her at her weakest point. Please rally with me in prayer for our two girls. June 7th is Kecia's 31st birthday. She will have been fighting this deadly disease non stop for 3 years! She sees no end in sight and she is tired. Thank you in advance for your continued support. Without all of you, I would have noone to share all of these burdens and prayers!

Thursday, May 5, 2011