Friday, February 20, 2009

Donate Blood for Kecia!

We are able to help Kecia financially by donating blood. I will give the directions below.

Kecia uses a lot of blood and platelets during chemo which incurs a large bill. We can help by donating blood and or platelets at Carter BloodCare. They will "credit" Kecia's "blood account" with our blood for one year and that will be used to pay her co-pay for the transfusion. Here's what to do:

1. Go to Carter Blood Care and tell them you want to make a Replacement Credit with your donation.

2. Fill out a Plan Designation Form
You will need to know this info on Kecia:
Name: Kecia Rezaie
Account Number: SPON 047082
Hospital: McKinney Medical Center

3. If there are any problems let them know we spoke with Beverly Johnson at (817) 412-5125.

Thank You all for everything you do to support Kecia. She would like to thank everyone personally but I won't let her because that's my job right now. So THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF HER HEART!!!

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