Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Cancer Again?

Kecia went in last week and had a scan done of her brain because she had been having pain and pressure for several days. She got a call while at work a few minutes ago saying that she needs to come talk with the doctor because they see something on the scans. They say there is a small chance that it is not cancer, but they feel pretty sure that it is. She is on her way there now. She left straight from work and is going to talk with the doctors by herself. I encouraged her to go pick up Grandad or her mom but she insisted on going alone so she can speak candidly without worrying about anyone elses reaction. Please pray fervently for Kecia. That it is not cancer, or if so, that it is treatable and that God comforts her and speaks clearly to her as she once again faces difficult decisions. She kept saying "This can't be happening..I can't do this again!" Please pray for her mental and emotional strenghth. I will update as soon as I know something.

1 comment:

RebaH said...

Praying, praying, praying. My prayer group is also praying and will continue to pray through whatever this is that the Lord is taking you through now.

Much Love and Prayer,
Rebecca Ramirez Herrell