Wednesday, September 8, 2010

9-8-10 Kecia has asked me to update everyone and ask for prayer in a specific area. In light of the recent conversation with her doctor, Kecia is feeling very down and discouraged. The thought of going on in this same miserable manner that she has been for the last year is overwhelming her. She wrestles with the idea of just stopping meds and going out gracefully. She doesn't have peace about that though and so would find it anything but "graceful". This past year has been far worse that the first year of her fight. The thought of doing it for at least another year is more than she can handle right now. Please pray that God will give her wisdom on how to move forward and that the wisdom with come with peace!

1 comment:

Sheila said...

Jennifer, what you are doing for Kecia through this blog is beautiful. Thank you.

Kecia, I'm praying for you. I pray God will provide the clarity you need to be at peace with any decision. I pray God will provide the financial security you need to focus on yourself rather than the bills coming in. I'm in your corner.
