Thursday, July 29, 2010

7-29-10 Kecia got the results back today and it turns out she has an infection in one of her port lines. She couldn't tell because its not actually in the port itself, but in one of the lines that leads to her heart valve. They are very anxious to get it taken care of before the infection actually spreads to her heart. They are going to monitor her blood work carefully over the next month to make sure that it doesn't, assuming it hasn't already. She is scheduled for surgery tomorrow. I don't think the actual procedure is until early afternoon but of course she has to be there early for all the prep work. They are going to remove the port and it's lines. They want to put in (I can't remember the name of it) one of those things that is like a port but the line will be outside her body. The surgeon who is taking out the port won't do the outside line because she says they are too dangerous and pron to infection. If they can't find someone to do the line surgery tomorrow, Kecia will have to go back in for a second surgery to have one put in once they find a surgeon willing to do it. She must have either a port, or a line because her veins are so collapsed that they can't access them. And on the few times that they have, they couldn't get any blood out. She will probably have blood drawn every day for several weeks to monitor the infection so they need some way to access her veins. Once the infection is taken care of and she is in the clear, they will have to go back and put a new port in. She is looking at 2 surgeries for sure, and 3 if they can't find a surgeon by tomorrow willing to do the line. I just spoke with her and she is a bit shaken and apprehensive. She is asking that we all pray that the surgeon taking out the port (who is the one who put this one in and did a fabulous job last time) will agree to put in the line and save her an additional surgery. Also, for her overall safety during surgery and for a quick stop to the infections spread. Will let you all know something when I hear it.

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