Friday, March 26, 2010

update correction

3-25-10 Apparently I misunderstood an important part of Kecia's update and need to correct the information I previously posted. It's still good news, just not quite as good. Her body is NOT completely free of cancer. The two spots on her brain that couldn't be reached by the gamma knife are gone, but there are still a few places in her body that "show" cancer. They are old spots. There is nothing new and the ones that still show are getting smaller and are considered inactive. My last update implied that she was in remission again, but that is not the case YET. So..still great news but wanted to clarify the information. She is currently battling some virus that would be just a few days of incovenience for you and I, but it is keeping her dehydrated and malnurished. So please keep that in your prayers. Her spirits have definatly been lifted by they recent news from her scans, but as I'm sure you all know, feeling sick 24/7 is very taxing on the body and spirit.

PS I know the 3 Day Cancer Walk is coming up soon. Is anyone walking? If so, post it and let us know the name of your team.

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