Sunday, August 9, 2009

8-9-09 The bad news is that for each week of Kecia's radiation, the side effects got worse. She suffers lots of dizzy spells, nausea, headaches, and blistered skin on her neck, breast and shoulder. NOT a fun 7 weeks! The good news is....SHE"S DONE! At least for now she is finished with radiation. Her doctor said the scan reveals that radiation has done all it can for now so she is free from that for at least several months. She goes in for her monthly chemo treatment on Tuesday which means she will be out of commission most of next week, but from there we are expecting every day to feel just a little bit better than the day before. She was able to go in to work for about 3 hours early last week and while that may seem like nothing, it was a big step for Kecia. It wiped her out and she slept for 4 hours after returning home...but that's not the point..she went to work! YEAH! Kecia knows that she is a walking miracle and is so thankful for this "second chance". Keep her in your prayers!

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