Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Our girl is still going strong. On Monday she has chemo, radiation and her menapausal shot so she has been feeling really rotten for 3 days. Today was actually a little better but she still didn't leave the bed all day. On the bright forces her to sit and get her work done. I just can't say enough how thankful we are for her job at Horizon. It is amazing how flexible they have been with all her special needs and she is looking forward to being able to return to the office once her radiation period is over. If my numbers are correct, we've got 2 weeks of radiation down and 5 more to go! She is feeling SO much better this time around (as compared to when she was doing full blown treatment) but that radiation really takes all the energy of out her. Last week we were talking on the phone in the middle of the day and I am certain that she actually fell asleep in the middle of a sentence. NO LIE! I woke her up and told her to hang up the phone and get some rest. She doesn't even remember the converasation. Now that is what I call tired! She does, however muster up the energy for small excursions and would love to have visitors, so call anytime. I'll report again when there is something to tell...but I just love it when Kecia has a "boring" life because it means that she is healthy.

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