Sunday, April 5, 2009

Surgery Update 4-6-09

Kecia is pleased to announce that her port is feeling and looking much better. If it continues healing at this pace she will be able to have surgery as planned. Thank you all for your prayers on this matter. That being said, as the minutes tick closer to the scheduled time of operation, Kecia's anxiety on the subject grows. She knows she needs to have the operation since her breasts are the origin of cancer growth, but the realization that a part of her body will be amputated is very disturbing for her. Emotionally, these last few days have been very difficult for her. I try to prepare her for the grieving process that will begin the moment she wakes up from surgery but one can only prepare so much. Please continue to pray for her spiritual and emotional peace as she begins this not-so-pleasant journey. She meets with her doctor and the surgeon on Tuesday morning for a pre-op evaluation. We are praying that all will be well and they will be able to move forward as planned. Kecia knows the sooner it's done, the sooner she can move on to the next stage in her recovery. Oh how I look forward to the day that she just gets to go in to work or hang out with friends like she used to. I can't wait until she's healthy and "whole" again.

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