Tuesday, March 3, 2009

More Good News!

Prayer Warriors,

I am so sorry to keep you waiting but we just got the call from Kecia's doctor. They have set up a meeting one week from today (next Tuesday) to sit down together. They will go over the scans, discuss results and any new courses of action. He said her scans look good. There is no new cancer growth even though she has been without the Taxitere (the strong stuff) for 8 weeks. In addition, several of her tumors are still shrinking! For these reasons, he wants to let her have another week "on break" from the Taxitere because, while it is the most powerful cancer fighter, it is also the most damaging to her body. She is doing great without it and it seems that the Herceptin (less powerful "maintenance" chemo) is doing just fine. She is SO excited! I can't even tell you how good she has felt over the past week in comparison to the two previous months. She actually drove herself to my house yesterday. (her mom was with her, but Kecia drove) Praise God!
I mentioned in my last update that the woman doing Kecia's sonogram had a very difficult time even finding the tumor. That is because it is so small now it is no longer technically a "tumor". Now it is just a legion with no active cancer growth!!! Her doctor is actually starting to discuss the surgery which is a huge deal because he was afraid they may not be able to do it based on the type of cancer Kecia has. Now, he is positive they will be able to do the surgery and they will discuss that next week. Thank you all for sharing in the ups and downs of this journey with us. We have no doubt that even the faintest of our prayers is heard, but there is something so reassuring about knowing that our prayers go up to Heaven like the bold cheers at a stadium game instead of like a fearful whisper in the night. Your numbers bring us encouragement! We are so thankful for each and every one of you!

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