Thursday, April 23, 2009
Good News and Bad News
Update 4-23-09 Kecia met her new oncologist today. He was recommended to her by Dr. Ladly (Kecia's new "cancer team leader") Kecia and her mom really liked him. He is very direct, knowlegable, and "pro-Kecia". It was comforting that he agrees with Dr. Ladly's plan to discontinue the Taxatere and use only the once a month dose of Herceptin to keep the cancer at bay. He actaully gave Kecia the option of going ahead with the hysterectomy in a few months, or keeping all the rest of her parts and just keep doing the monthly shot that keeps her in menopause. The down side to getting a hysterectomy is...well...kindof obvious, but the down side to getting that shot every month is that the shot is the size of a crochet needle that puts a pill size capsule into her stomach, and then leaves her achey for several days and teary with hot flashes the rest of the month. Luckily, she doesn't need to decide right now and she will just continue with the shots until she decides otherwise. The oncologist checked Kecia's latest scans and thinks that maybe her continued back pain is due to the fact that her spine was so weakened from cancer and then from radiation and chemo, that is has kindof collapsed and is putting continued pressure on her nerves. He wants to do a little more checking (don't know exactly what that means) and then when Kecia is healed they will consider doing a minor surgery to repair those few discs. He compared it to a "lift" that would help align and provide support. If it works, it is a fairly easy solution to a constant problem for her. They will eventually need to put in another port. It was scheduled to be this upcoming Wednesday, but her counts are pretty low so her doctor wants to just wait and see if her body can "recoup" some on it's own. They are not in a huge hurry because she will still have some Herceptin in her system for awhile. He told Kecia she looks great to him. Her response was "yeah, I guess..." (because she is still feeling like a sickly, "useless" person since she can not work or contribute to the degree that she thinks she should) He was very perceptive and said "Kecia, you are at the end of a very long road and it is time for you to start thinking about living again. It's my job to worry about you now. You need to try and enjoy some of your life for awhile." I like that guy! That's just what Kecia needs...a doctor that she trusts telling her that he will take control so that she doesn't have to. That has been one of the hardest parts for her. This is all really good news and I am so thrilled with how far Kecia has come in her recovery but she is still in need of alot of support and prayer. While talking about all of this tonight Kecia's words were positive but her voice was on the verge of breaking. She is fighting so hard to be tough and strong but she is just so tired. From the outside looking in it is so easy to say "wow, this is the easy part, it's all down hill from here". We see easier chemo, less nausea, one surgery down a few more to go. But Kecia hears...more chemo...more weeks of exhausting radiation, another surgery....It it kindof like she runs the race of her life, but when she gets to the finish line (out of breath and exhausted) instead of getting a little rest, she immediatly starts training for the next big event. She has used up all of her strength on the "big stuff" and now she really needs God to work through us to help pull her through the last leg of this race. For those of us who live close, Kecia really enjoys having visitors. Of course it means being flexible with ones plans since you just have to call and say "hey do you want company in about an hour?, since she never knows in advance how she will feel. But I know it breaks the monotony of her "sick" schedule to talk to people about but cancer! Please pray that God will give Kecia the emotional stength that she needs to finish out this amazing journey. She has come so far, no doubt in the palm of His hand, but she isn't seeing the light at the end of her tunnel just yet. Pray that He will rejuvinate her spirit and shine a light that she can see clearly!
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