Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Prayer Warriors, I've been sitting infront of this computer trying to think of a way to say this that would do it justice..but the words won't come to me. Nothing I think of, can convey the full range of emotions that I feel right now. So I will just say it. Kecia was given her results from the scans that were taken last week and she is in remission! There is NO ACTIVE CANCER IN HER BODY! I dare someone to tell her this isn't a GOD thing!! He is so amazing. He waits until she has been chemo free for a good 10 weeks and then heals her so that credit can't be given to the medicine. Kecia's doctor was beaming when he gave her the news. And he can't explain her recovery medically since he had already told her "there is no cure for cancer once it is in the bones, but we are close to a cure and we'll just keep you around until the cure is found." Too bad for him cause God did it first! Technically, Kecia is n ot cured..she is in remission which is different. She will still need to have both the mastectomy and hysterectomy in order to prevent future growth but just a month ago, her doctor didn't know that she would ever be physically able to handle the surgeries so that was still in question. Now, he is talking about doing the mastectomy early May and the other later in the summer. We had been looking toward the summer as Kecia's "light at the end of the tunnel" to mark her journey as half over through the worst part, but now we are thinking that this summer may actually be the "end of the tunnel" when life returns to a more normal state for her. At church the other day our pastor called on us to gather around members of the church who were in need of God's assistance and pray over them as a group. About 25 people gathered around Kecia and prayed for her. Anyone who knows Kecia well, knows that this is way out of her com fort zone and she felt a little wierd being the center of attention, but she was thankful that so many people care about and pray for her. Today, after hearing the results, she joked that the pastor should have had them "lay hands" on her alot sooner so she could have just skipped all that chemo! Join me tonight as I hit my knees hard in a prayer of thanksgiving because God is good all the time....and all the time God is good! She will still need to do the lower doses of chemo until all of the surgeries are completed and possibly for awhile afterwards, but it shouldn't be nearly as hard on her as the high doses were. We are praying that she will continue to respond favorably to the treatments and handle the chemo without too much discomfort. I can't possibly tell you all how much we love and appreciate you! There are no words that can accuratly express our thanks. Having you all here beside us every step of the way makes the sorrow easier to bear and the good news better to share! But don't leave us yet. We're not finished with this journey and we want ya'll here all the way. (written by Jennifer, posted by Lacey)


Emily May said...

WONDERFUL NEWS!! God is so amazing! I am amazed and so excited!! I will keep praying for Kecia!!!

Lacey said...

With tears streaming down my face, I say Praise GOD!! What a testimony...

Jennifer said...

I am Lacey's sis n law and have only met Kecia once or twice before but I have been praying for her and I am so glad to hear this. God is so good! She is so blessed to have you in her life!